Monday, 8 October 2012

The Introduction

I've never been good at Introductions but here goes, my name is Brian Beacom and I'm currently a final year Student at the University of Abertay Dundee. My degree programme is BSc(Hons) Computer Games Technology and for my final year I am required to produce a piece of independent research on Games Technology.

That is what this blog is for - recording my thoughts, processes and notes during the course of my final year - there are a few stages to this project so during semester one you should expect the blog to contain mostly research notes and thoughts on my project topic. Semester two will primarily focus on implementation of an application, of some sort, in order to test my theories and develop some results to discuss in my final dissertation.

Finally, I'd like to note straight away that this project is my own, original work however by arrangement with the University of Abertay Dundee the final dissertation only may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form and by any means without my written consent and would request that all derivatives and references are attributed appropriately.

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