Monday, 25 November 2013

An Update: Student No Longer

So, it's been a while since my last update and unfortunately this is going to be a quick one but hopefully you'll understand why. Having finished my studies and graduated as evidenced in previous posts.

So, I figured it was about time to get a job, become a real games industry professional. The poor souls at Guerilla Tea decided to give me a shot and that's where I've been at for the past few months.

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Video Games! WebRTC for Gaming Purposes...

Note this is the second in a series of blogs, I'm writing on the topic of WebRTC, the focus of this one is the gaming applications of WebRTC. For an overview of WebRTC click here and for a tutorial on DataChannels - here. Large sections of this one however are taken from an essay, I wrote on the subject of camera feeds in WebRTC. You can see the original application here.

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Abertay Graduation 2013

So, that's it - as of last Thursday, I am Brian Beacom BSc(Hons). Yes, it's been a busy ol' week for me so unfortunately I haven't had time to get a technology blog done quite yet. Instead you get to hear all about me, Graduation, Grad Ball and the politics of being a student in what is sure to be one of very very few self-centred posts.

Monday, 8 July 2013

Implementing WebRTC DataChannels in Chrome Canary (July 2013)

Hey Guys,
Shortly after my last blog post on WebRTC - WebRTC - The HTML5 late arrival - I realised Chrome and Firefox had both updated their implementations to include DataChannels, the part of WebRTC that allows peer-to-peer connections to be used for sending data packets.

Fantastic news, right? The Mozilla lot are all over it and I found plenty of resources on implementing it on Firefox however the information for Chrome is a bit all over the place and lacking one concise explanation, so having puzzled it out, I'm putting my solution here, going right from the first steps through to exchanging your first packet, accounting for Chrome's implementation.

Warning: This is a pretty wordy one, so if you aren't much of a skim reader or are totally new to the subject, you probably wanna go get yourself a cup of tea first... go on, I'm not going anywhere!

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

The SpecialEffect Charity Set 2013

I received an email from my friends at SpecialEffect today, asking if I could help out getting some people backing their latest project, I, of course, immediately obliged but I think it's pretty unique what they are doing, as a charity and for this fundraising activity.

Monday, 24 June 2013

WebRTC - The HTML5 late arrival

So, with my WebRTC  coursework graded and returned (A20 should do nicely) I'm in a good place to discuss more, this blog post will seek to cover the theoretical side of WebRTC. Whos? Whats? Whys? And what fors? I plan to cover the gaming aspects and technical implementation of WebRTC in later posts.